Free PC Tools File Recover

File Recover allows you to recover critically important documents, or other files, which have been lost by accidental deletion. These files may be lost by emptying the Recycle Bin, or using other deletion actions that bypass the Recycle Bin altogether. Such actions include Windows Shift Delete, command line deletion, deleting excessively large files or using applications that delete files without the Recycle Bin.

When a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, or if the recycle bin is bypassed altogether, the file can no longer be recovered by the Windows Operating system. The content of the file still remains on the drive, relatively intact, until the section of the drive it occupies is overwritten by another file.

File Recover identifies the contents of such lost files on the hard drive and allows you to recover them. If a file has been partially overwritten, File Recover attempts to reconstruct as much of the file as possible with the remaining contents. This allows you to salvage at least part, if not all, of that recovered file to continue using it as required.

File Recover feature highlights :
Recovers files instantly from hard drives, floppy drives and other types of fixed media. If you are a home user or a network administrator, File Recover fills a critical gap in your data protection strategy.
Rapid scan engine a typical hard drive can be scanned for recoverable files within minutes.
Scan all files and directories on selected hard drives.
Search for a recoverable file using part or all of its file name.
Utilizing a non destructive, read only file recovery approach. File Recover will not write or make changes to the section of the drive from which it is recovering data.
Batch file recovery (recovers multiple files in one action).
Works around bad sector disk areas. Recovers data where other programs fail.
Supports standard IDE/ATA/SCSI hard drives, including drives larger than 8 GB.
Supports hard drives formatted with Windows FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file systems.


Folder Guard 8.3 + Patch

Folder Guard 8.3 + Patch l 7.4 MB
Computer Security Software Folder Guard
for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000

Folder Guard is a is a powerful computer security software tool that you can use to hide your private files and folders from other users of your computer, lock folders and files with passwords, restrict access to Control Panel, protect system files from damage (intentional or not), and to control access to other Windows resources.

Hide files and folders
With FolderGuard you can hide any folder or file and it will be invisible to Windows applications, Office and even for MS-DOS programs.

Lock folders with passwords
Folder Guard can lock your private folder with a password, so that only you would be able to open the files and documents it contains.

Restrict access to files by their type
You can use Folder Guard to restrict access to the whole classes of files: for instance, you can specify that no user should be able to open any JPG image file unless you have authorized him or her to do so.

Protect your data from modifications
Other users as well as computer viruses can modify or destroy your documents, accidentally or intentionally. Folder Guard lets you make folders of your choice “read-only”, and thus prevent their modification until you decide.

Control access to external drives
Don’t want someone to copy your confidential documents to the removable flash stick or a USB drive? With Folder Guard, you can stop that. Don’t want others to install unauthorized software from the external source? Folder Guard can help you with that, too.

Disable Control Panel
If you don’t want other users to mess up your system configuration, you can use Folder Guard to restrict their access to Control Panel and various configuration tools of Windows.

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Snow Leopard Update Version for Windows 7 | 19.3 Mb

Now In Basic, Normal & Glass Style.
Specially Build For (X86) 32 Bit Systems, Works fine on (X64) 64Bit system too.
P.S. Re-Design Max/Min/Close Buttons & New Scroolbar Like Mac Snow Leopard.

- Improve & New Max/Min/Close Buttons Like Mac.
- Improve & New Scroolbar.

First Time Introduce Leopard Dark, Leopard Dark Glass & Leopard Dark Basic for Windows 7 (X86) 32 bit & (X64) 64 bit Systems.

- Improve Max/Min/Close Buttons Like Mac.
- Improve & New Scroolbar.
- And Many Other Improvements

Microsoft မွ Security Update ေထာက္ပ့ံျခင္းမျပဳေတာ့သည့္ Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) တြင္ Security Update မ်ားထည့္သြင္းေစျခင္းျဖင့္ တိုက္ခိုက္ခံမႈမ်ားျဖစ္ပြားလ်က္ရွိေၾကာင္း ဖင္လန္ႏိုင္ငံအေျခစိုက္ လုံျခံဳေရးကုမၸဏီျဖစ္သည့္ F-Secure မွ လုံျခံဳေရးအႀကံေပးျဖစ္သူ Sean Sullivan ကေျပာၾကားလိုက္သည္။

အဆိုပါတိုက္ခိုက္မႈသည္ Windows registry ရွိ Key တစ္ခုကိုျပင္ဆင္ကာတိုက္ခိုက္ျခင္းျဖစ္ၿပီး HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows ရွိ DWORD Value ျဖစ္သည့္ CSDVersion ကို 200 မွ 300 သို႔ေျပာင္းလဲလိုက္ျခင္းျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း Sullivan ကဆိုသည္။

Microsoft ၏အဆိုအရ CSDVersion သည္ PC ေပၚတြင္အသုံးျပဳထားသည့္ Service Pack ၏အမည္ကိုေဖာ္ျပ ျခင္းျဖစ္ၿပီး ယင္းက့ဲသို႔ Registry Key ေျပာင္းလဲလိုက္ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ XP SP2 ကို SP3 အသြင္ျဖင့္ေျပာင္းလဲေစ ကာ Microsoft ၏၀က္ဘ္ဆိုက္တြင္ တိုက္႐ိုက္ download ျပဳလုပ္ရမည့္အစား Windows Update Patching Service မွတဆင့္ download ျပဳလုပ္ျခင္းျဖစ္ၿပီး ယင္းအားနည္းခ်က္မွတဆင့္ PC မ်ားထံသို႔တိုက္ခိုက္မႈမ်ားျပဳ လုပ္ခ့ဲသည္ကိုလည္းေတြ႔ရွိခ့ဲေၾကာင္း ၎ကေျပာၾကားခ့ဲသည္။

အထက္ပါအတိုင္း Registry ကို hack ကာတိုက္ခိုက္ျခင္းသည္ System ကို ပိုမိုလ်င္ျမန္စြာထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ႏိုင္ေစတာ ေၾကာင့္ လက္ရွိ Windows XP SP2 အသုံးျပဳသူမ်ားအေနျဖင့္ Windows XP Service Pack (SP3) သို႔ အဆင့္ျမင့္တင္ကာ အသုံးျပဳသင့္ေၾကာင္း Sullivan ကျဖည့္စြက္ေျပာၾကားခ့ဲသည္။

Source - ေနာင္ေနာင္ ( Myanmar Internet Journal )

Dark black glass Theme for Windows 7

Dark black glass Theme for Windows 7
Year : 2010 | 6 MB

Installation :

1. Use Universal Theme Patcher To Patch Necessary Windows Files if you didn't it before
2. Open the 'Theme' folder. which you download
3. Drag both 'Dark black.theme' and the 'Theme' folder to 'C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\

DarkGrey For Windows 7

DarkGrey For Windows 7 | 5.40 Mb

Install Note:
-Copy The Map and the .theme file to: C:\Windows\Resources\Themes

VSO Image Resizer

VSO Image Resizer က သင့္ကြန္ပ်ဴတာရဲ႕ Hard Disk ေပၚမွာ ေနရာမ်ားစြာယူထားတ့ဲပုံေတြအတြက္ အထူး အသုံး၀င္လွပါတယ္။ အျပင္အဆင္ကအေရာင္းအေသြးစုံလင္လွၿပီး အဆင့္ျမင့္ကာအသုံးျပဳရတာ႐ိုးရွင္းပါတယ္။ ပုံေတြရဲ႕အရြယ္အစားကို ေျပာင္းလဲႏိုင္႐ုံသာမကဘဲေနရာေတြ ေျပာင္းလဲသိမ္းဆည္းျခင္းေတြကို အခက္အခဲမရွိ ျပဳလုပ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ျပင္ဆင္ထားတ့ဲပုံေတြကို Preview ၾကည့္ခြင့္မရွိေပမယ့္လည္း အမွန္တကယ္ ျပင္ဆင္ၿပီး ေၾကာင္းကို အသိေပးမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ စိတ္၀င္စားရင္ေတာ့ .............

Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration and update in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. Then when you format and reinstall/upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the "saved" drivers just as if you had the original driver diskettes in your hands. After one system reboot, your PC will be loaded and running with the required hardware drivers.
Key features:
• Back up device drivers of your computer in four modes.
• Restore device drivers from backup in one mouse click.
• Update device drivers of your PC to improve system performance and stability.
• Uninstall device drivers
• Live Update device identifier database and driver update database.
• Detect unknown devices.
• Back up more items such as My Documents and Registry.
• Restore more items from backup.
• Get detailed information of the hardware drivers.
• Clone all drivers to an auto-setup package (.EXE), so you can restore drivers without installing Driver Magician.

All Office Converter Platinum is an easy-to-use and professional document conversion tool. It can support batch converting documents, web and images with high good quality for business and individual to improve the work efficiency. With this powerful converter, you can create PDF file from versatile formats and convert PDF file to other versatile formats with super output quality and effectively. More, you can convert between different office document formats, web, and images. It cansupport comprehensive formats: Word(doc, docm, docx), Excel(xls .xlsx. xlsm),PowerPoint (ppt, pptc,pptm),PDF,XLS,RTF,TXT,HTM/HTML,Website,JPG,BMP,GIF,

CD Burner XP 4.3.7 2420

သူကေတာ့ Burning Software တစ္မ်ဳိးေလးပါ။ ဒီမွာ ပါ၀င္တ့ဲ Tool ေတြက အနည္းငယ္႐ႈပ္ေထြးေပမယ့္ အ သုံးျပဳသူေတြအတြက္ CD, DVD ဖန္တီးရာမွာ အလြန္အသုံး၀င္ပါတယ္။ ေနာက္ၿပီး အဓိကလုပ္ေဆာင္ခ်က္ အ ေနနဲ႔ သုံးမ်ဳိးပါ၀င္ပါတယ္။ Data ေတြကိုကူးယူျခင္း၊ CD burn ျခင္း၊ Rip ျပဳလုပ္ျခင္းတို႔ပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္
doublelayer DVD ေတြမွာ အသုံးျပဳႏိုင္ျခင္း မရွိပါဘူး။

PowerDVD Ultra - the best modern software proigryvatelm that allow for interactive viewing drives DVD-Video, Video CD and Blu-Ray on your computer. The main advantages of this player can deliver the highest image quality, easy to use interface with skin and good adjustability. In addition to watching movies on a CD-ROM drive (DVD and Video CD), PowerDVD lets you play files formats supported by Windows Media Player, and MPEG1 and MPEG2. The program also has the function of capturing frames to a file format BMP, redo the site records, adjust the display settings, remembering when to stop, support for mouse scroll wheel, and many other features.

No.1 Movie Experience on the PC - Upgrade Your Media Experience to 3D & HD:
• Immerse in brilliant Blu-ray 3D playback with CPU/GPU acceleration and lossless HD audio
• Convert DVDs and videos into a magical 3D experience
• Play an extensive range of video formats, including MKV, FLV, 3GP, and more
• Make movies social by sharing bookmark reviews and live comments

Brilliant Blu-ray Movies
Experience Blu-ray movies the way that only PowerDVD 10 can offer: simply unbeatable quality. Optimized for the latest hardware acceleration technologies from Intel, NVIDIA and AMD, PowerDVD ensures smoother movie performance. PowerDVD 10 launches your Blu-ray movies up to 4X faster too.

Blu-ray 3D Movies
Seeing is believing the kind of life-like imagery that Blu-ray 3D* can deliver, and PowerDVD 10 brings it to life on your PC. Offering the best quality 3D movie experience possible, PowerDVD is compatible with the full range of 3D hardware on the market, including glasses, graphics cards, and monitors.

Upscale DVDs and Videos to HD
Enjoy better movie playback quality for both your DVDs and video files with TrueTheater? HD upscaling technology. DVD and media player PowerDVD 10 lets you output to an HDTV in a quality that looks noticeably sharper and clearer. Optimization for hardware acceleration ensures even smoother results.

Play DVDs in 3D
3D movie player PowerDVD 10 takes you to new heights of visual excellence for standard DVD content. Featuring advanced TrueTheater? 3D technology, PowerDVD converts 2D movies into a spectacular 3D experience. Optimize playback quality for your movie content and hardware.

Better Video Playback
With PowerDVD 10 home videos can be enhanced using TrueTheater? Stabilizer and TrueTheater? Noise Reduction to improve quality as you play. As a universal player, PowerDVD now plays even more formats, gives you access to online movie trailers via MoovieLive, and lets you upload files to YouTube.

Home Theater Music
Supporting the latest music library features of Windows 7, PowerDVD 10 makes it even easier to listen to music from the player you use to enjoy your movies. Create playlists of favorite tunes. Use TrueTheater? Surround technology to optimize your audio for home theater and PC hardware. Sounds great!

High Definition Audio
3D and HD movie player PowerDVD 10 lets your ears enjoy the ultimate movie experience too, with support for high-definition audio formats from Dolby Digital and DTS. Support for HDMI 1.3a delivers the purity of lossless HD audio via a single convenient cable to your home theater system.

Movie Reviews and Live Comments
Create movie reviews that other users can read and play using PowerDVD 10. MovieMarks combine bookmarks and review comments and can be shared online via Meanwhile, Live Comments let you post your opinions to Facebook, Twitter and MoovieLive while your movie is playing.

Supported formats for Blu-ray & DVD playback:
• Supports the latest video formats: MKV, FLV, 3GP, AVCHD and AVCREC
• Supports the latest audio formats: Dolby TrueHD, Digtial EX, Plus; DTS-HD
• Transform 2D into 3D

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Windows 7 မွာ User မ်ားရဲ႕ လတ္တေလာရွာေဖြမႈမ်ားကို အလိုအေလ်ာက္သိမ္းဆည္းေပးႏိုင္တ့ဲ Features ပါ၀င္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမ့ဲ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာကို လူအမ်ားနဲ႔အတူ သုံးစြဲေနရတ့ဲ User မ်ားနဲ႔ မိမိရွာေဖြထားသမွ်ကို မသိေစလိုတ့ဲ User မ်ားကေတာ့ Search box ထဲမွာ စာလုံးအနည္းငယ္႐ိုက္ထည့္႐ုံနဲ႔ မ်ားမၾကာမီက ရွာေဖြ ထားတ့ဲအခ်က္မ်ားကိုေဖာ္ျပေပးတာေၾကာင့္ ဒီ Feature ကို ႀကိဳက္ႏွစ္သက္ျခင္းမရွိပါဘူး။

ေအာက္ေဖာ္ျပပါနည္းလမ္းကေတာ့ လတ္တေလာရွာေဖြထားသမွ်ကို အျခားလူမ်ားမသိရွိေစရန္အတြက္ ယင္း Feature ကို Disable ျပဳလုပ္ထားႏိုင္ေစမယ့္နည္းလမ္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမ့ဲ ဒီနည္းလမ္းကို Group Policy Editor အသုံးမျပဳႏိုင္တ့ဲ Windows 7 Home Edition မ်ားမွာေတာ့ ျပဳလုပ္ႏိုင္ျခင္းမရွိပါဘူး။

(၁) Start Menu ရဲ႕ Search box တြင္ gpedit.msc ဟု႐ိုက္ထည့္ၿပီး Enter ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။ Local Group Policy Editor ေပၚလာပါမယ္။

(၂) ထို႔ေနာက္ User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Windows Components \ Windows Explorer သို႔အဆင့္ဆင့္သြားပါ။

(၃) ညာဘက္ျခမ္းတြင္ေပၚလာသည့္ Turn off display of recent search entries in the Windows Explorer search box ကို click ႏွစ္ခ်က္ႏွိပ္ပါ။

(၄) ထို႔ေနာက္ Enabled ကို ေရြးၿပီး Apply ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။ ယင္းေနာက္ OK ကိုႏွိပ္ၿပီး Group Policy Editor မွထြက္ ပါ။

(၅) အထက္ပါအဆင့္အတိုင္း ျပဳလုပ္ၿပီးသြားရင္ေတာ့ Windows 7 ရဲ႕ Search box မွာရွာေဖြထားတ့ဲ Search history မ်ားကို Disable ျပဳလုပ္မႈၿပီးဆုံးၿပီျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Source - ေနာင္ေနာင္ ( Myanmar Internet Journal )

4Easysoft DVD to MPEG Suite 3.2.20

4Easysoft DVD to MPEG Suite is best DVD to MPEG Converter and MPEG Video Converter. For it is possessed of the double function of converting DVD to MPEG and converting video to MPEG. Use this suite tool to convert DVD to AVI, MPEG, MPEG-1(.mpg), MPEG-2(.mpg), Super VCD(NTSC, PAL, SECAM), VCD(NTSC, PAL, SECAM), HD videos even to VOB file and convert AVI to MPEG, MPEG to AVI, MP4 to MPEG, etc. As the all-round tool, it can also convert DVD and video/audio to MP3, M4A, WAV, WMA audio.
Powerful suite tool to convert DVD and video to MPEG:
• Convert DVD to MPEG, AVI, MPG, VOB video and to AAC, MP3, WAV audio
• Convert mainstream video formats to MPEG (like AVI/MP4 to MPEG) and MPEG to other popular formats (like MPEG to AVI/ MP3)
• Additional functions trimming, cropping, effect and others to edit output file

Key Features

1. Professionally converting DVD and video to MPEG
• DVD to MPEG Converter
Convert DVD to MPEG1, MPEG2, AVI, DivX, XviD, VOB, MPEG1 PS, MPEG2 PS and HD video for your PSP, PS3, Wii, Archos, ZEN Player, iRiver, Xbox, BlackBerry. You can also extract audio from DVD and convert to AAC, MP3, WAV formats.
• MPEG Video Converter
• Output formats:
Portable devices supported: Creative Zen series, BlackBerry Bold, BlackBerry Curver, Archos and justlike portable devices.

2. Additional functions to edit output file
• Optimize the video effect
Set the video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation to optimize the video effect and check "Deinterlacing" to convert interlaced video to the progressive video.
• Trim to cut any segment
Can cut any segment of DVD Movie or video files by setting the exact time or just drag when you view it in Trim function
• Crop function
Frame the video play region that you want to fit for your player with this MPEG converter suite.
• Watermark function
Use Watermark function to create perfect video with text or picture watermark. You can customize it by adjusting horizontal, vertical position and transparency.
• Snapshot and merge
It is possible for you to capture your favorite picture by pressing "Snapshot" button and check "merge into one" to form a successive file.
• Exact settings
Support setting subtitle, audio track, video Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate, audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channel, Audio Bitrate etc.
• Audio track and subtitle
4Easysoft DVD to MPEG Suite offers you the chance of selecting audio track and subtitle according to your need.

3. Intuitive interface and fast conversion speed
• Powerful and easy-to-use interface of 4Easysoft DVD to MPEG Suite make everybody master it quickly and rip with high quality and surprising speed.

4Easysoft DVD to MPEG Suite new features:
• Customize your video by applying text or picture watermark.
• Abundant output formats from one source file with just one conversion.
• Select audio track and subtitle according to your need.

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Adobe InDesign CS3 (E-Book)

Name : Adobe InDesign CS3

Size : 21 MB

Author : ကကကြန္

Language : Myanmar

Type : PDF

Download E-Book

With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular movie formats and even some rare formats. This package is mainly for power users and people who do their own encodings.
Features of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 6.3.0 :
• Player:
- Media Player Classic Homecinema [version 1.3.2121]
- Media Player Classic Homecinema [version 1.2.1008.0]
- Media Player Classic [version rev. 107]
• ffdshow:
- ffdshow [revision 3512]
- ffdshow VFW interface
• DirectShow video decoding filters:
- XviD [version 1.2.2]
- DivX [version 6.9.3]
- DivX H.264 [version 1.2.1 build]
- On2 VP7 [version]
- WebM VP8 [version]
- MPEG-2 (Cyberlink) [version]
- MPEG-2 (Gabest) [version]
• DirectShow audio decoding filters:
- AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.63b]
- Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version]
- AAC (MONOGRAM) [version]
• DirectShow audio parsers:
- FLAC (madFLAC) [version 1.8]
- WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.1.1]
- MusePack (MONOGRAM) [version |]
- Monkey's Audio (DCoder) [version 1.0]
- OptimFROG (RadLight) [version]
- AMR (MONOGRAM) [version]
- DC-Bass Source [version 1.2.0]
- AC3/DTS Source (AC3File) [version 0.7b]
• DirectShow source filters:
- Haali Media Splitter [version]
- AVI splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
- MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
- Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
- Ogg splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
- MPEG PS/TS splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
- FLV splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
- CDXA Reader (Gabest) [version 1.3.1959.0]
• DirectShow subtitle filter:
- DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version]
- DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33]
• Other filters:
- Haali Video Renderer [version]
• VFW video codecs:
- XviD [version 1.2.2]
- DivX [version 6.9.2]
- x264 [revision 1666]
- On2 VP6 [version]
- On2 VP7 [version]
- Intel Indeo 4 [version]
- Intel Indeo 5 [version 5.2562.15.54]
- Intel I.263 [version]
- huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5]
- DivX [version 3.11]
- YV12 (Helix) [version 1.2]
• ACM audio codecs:
- MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version]
- MP3 (LAME) [version 3.98.2]
- AC3ACM [version 1.5]
- Vorbis [version]
- DivX WMA [version]
• Real Alternative:
- RealMedia codecs [version]
- RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 6.3.0
- RealMedia plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera/Chrome
- RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version 1.3.1959.0]
• Tools:
- Codec Tweak Tool [version 4.4.5]
- Win7DSFilterTweaker [version 3.2]
- MediaInfo Lite [version 0.7.34]
- GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.70a]
- VobSubStrip [version 0.11]
- GraphStudio [version]
- Haali Muxer
- FourCC Changer
- Bitrate Calculator
Changes from K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 6.2.0 to K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 6.3.0 :
- Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.2189
- Updated ffdshow to revision 3530
- Removed VP8 decoder. ffdshow is now used instead
- Removed DivX MPEG-4 decoder
- Removed DivX MPEG-4 encoder
- Removed DivX H.264 decoder
Important Note :
- The K-Lite Mega Codec Pack works only on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7.

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With SuperEasy Video Converter you purchase video-creation software, which offers an unparalleled wealth of features and easy handling. The program converts DVD-videos as well as video files of most different formats to exactly the standard that you require for your device. Even better, it downloads flash videos from platforms like Youtube and MyVideo and converts them to the required format without wasting time.
In order to use SuperEasy Video Converter you do not require any knowledge concerning the supported formats and characteristics of your player. Just enter the target device, the software will take care of the rest with optimally tuned profiles set up by our experienced programmers, who have explored the most hidden corners of every player, whether portable or stationary.
The most important features (visible)
• Intuitive and easy to operate surface
• Recording of DVD-videos (incl. single chapters), video and flash files from Internet platforms as source files to be converted
• Direct video download from sites like Youtube, Google Video, Clipfish, MyVideo, VideoTube, MySpace, Metacafe, Sevenload, iFilm, and dailymotion – with or without converting
• Integrated preview of files to be converted
• Detailed display of files to be converted
• Setting of cut markers: only convert what you want to see
• Splitting of videos for memory card players or other devices with limited storage space
The most important features (invisible)
• Use of latest, state-of-the-art compression technologies
• Integrated profiles, which are optimally adjusted to the respective player and bring the best possible results – no need for the user to agonize over encoding options, aspect ratio or incompatibility
• Comprehensive decoder equipment for reading all popular video formats plus less common standards
Supported devices & profiles
At present the SuperEasy Video Converter creates videos for the following devices:
• iPod Video, iPhone, iPod Nano and iPod touch.
• Playstation PSP and Sony Walkman
• Sony Playstation PS3
• Nintendo Wii
• Xbox 360
• Windows Mobile compatible devices (Pocket PCs, Micorosft Zune and others)
• Flash videos (flv files) e.g. for homepages and video platforms
• Mobile phones (MP4- or 3GP-compatible)
• NEW! DVD Player with MPEG2 (DVD or SVCD compatible), MPEG4 as avi (DivX and Xvid compatible) and MPEG4 as mp4 (Nero Digital compatible)
Multi standard compatibility
The software recognizes and converts the following formats (among others):
• unprotected Video-DVDs
• XviD
• DivX
• Nero Digital
• High Definition Video Material (as .mpeg or .ts files)
• High Definition Video (HDV)
• WMV files
• MPEG1 and MPEG2 files
• nearly all MPEG4 files
• nearly all h.264 files
• mobile phone videos (3gp or mp4)
• Flash Video files (.flv)
• and many more...
Home Page -

Magway FC ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္က နာမည္ႏွစ္မ်ဳိးရွိတယ္လို႔ ဆိုႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္တို႔စတင္ကူးစက္တ့ဲ မတ္လ၊ ဧၿပီလ၊ ေမလ၊ ဇြန္လတို႔မွာ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္က Windows XP ကိုသာ ဖ်က္ဆီးမႈျပဳပါတယ္။ Magway FC ရဲ႕ ပထမ အမည္က Mgy ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ရဲ႕ File အမည္က mgy.exe ျဖစ္တ့ဲအတြက္ တိုက္႐ိုက္ mgy လို႔ ေခၚဆိုၾကတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Mgy ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္စတင္၀င္ေရာက္လာတာ ၂၀၁၀ မတ္လမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Mgy က ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ရဲ႕ ထုံးစံအတိုင္း Folder Option ကိုပိတ္ပါတယ္။ Task Manager ကိုပိတ္ပါတယ္။ Registry ကို ပိတ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီအဆင့္ သုံးခ်က္က ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္တိုင္း လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနက်ျဖစ္တ့ဲအတြက္ အထူးအ့ံၾသဖို႔မလိုပါဘူး။ ဒီ့ထက္မက ေနာက္ထပ္ပိတ္ပင္မႈကေတာ့ Command-line Interface ကိုပိတ္လိုက္ျခင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Start > Run မွာ cmd လို႔႐ိုက္ထည့္ၿပီး Command-line ကို ၀င္လို႔မရေတာ့ပါ။ အဆိုးဆုံးကေတာ့ group policy editor ကို ၀င္ေရာက္ကာကန္႔သတ္မႈအမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးကို ျပဳလုပ္ပါတယ္။ အဲဒီသေဘာေတြရွိေနတ့ဲအတြက္ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ကို ရွင္းလင္းၿပီးျဖစ္ေပမယ့္ မူလ Windows XP ကိုျပန္လည္အသုံးျပဳဖို႔ ခက္ခဲမႈေတြရွိေနပါတယ္။ ဒီအဆင့္ေတြက Mgy ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ရဲ႕ လကၡဏာနဲ႔ဖ်က္ဆီးမႈေတြျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
မိမိရဲ႕ကြန္ပ်ဴတာအထဲကို Mgy ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္၀င္ေရာက္ေနမယ္၊ ၂၀၁၀ ဇူလိုင္လ ၁ ရက္ေန႔ ေရာက္ၿပီးဆိုရင္ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ရဲ႕အျပင္းထန္ဆုံး တိုက္ခိုက္မႈေတြကို ျမင္ေတြ႕ရၿပီျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ အဲဒီအဆင့္မွာ mgy ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္လို႔ မေခၚဘဲ Magway FC ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္လို႔သာ ေခၚဆိုၾကပါတယ္။ Windows အထဲကို ေရာက္လာတာနဲ႔ Start menu ေနရာမွာ Magway FC လို႔ေျပာင္းသြားပါတယ္။ My Computer ရဲ႕ Icon ေနရာမွာ ေဘာလုံးပုံေလး ေျပာင္းလဲ သြားပါတယ္။ Start meun, All program ရဲ႕ေအာက္က Folder ေတြမွာလည္း ေဘာလုံးပုံေလးေတြ ၀င္ေရာက္ လာပါတယ္။ ဒီအဆင့္မွာ Magway FC ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္အသြင္ေျပာင္းလဲသြားၿပီး ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Taskbar ရဲ႕ notification ေနရာမွာလည္း Winner of THE SEASON MAGWAY FC လို႔ေပၚလိုက္၊ ေပ်ာက္လိုက္ ေဖာ္ျပေနမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
ဒီလိုေဖ်ာ္ေျဖမႈအမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးပုံစံျပဳလုပ္ေနတ့ဲအတြက္ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္လို႔မထင္ၾကပါဘူး။ ဒီအေျခအေနမွာ Magway FC ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္က ကြန္ပ်ဴတာကို အျပင္းအထန္ဖ်က္ဆီးမႈ ျပဳလုပ္ပါတယ္။ Drive C: အတြင္းက Program ေတြ Run လို႔မရေအာင္ Windows XP နဲ႔အဆက္အသြယ္ ျဖတ္ပါတယ္။ Drive C: အတြင္းက Files ေတြရဲ႕ List ကို ရယူၿပီး အဲဒီ File ေတြေနရာမွာ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ File ကိုအစားထိုးပါတယ္။ Folder တိုင္းရဲ႕ေအာက္မွာ Desktop.ini ဆိုတ့ဲ File ကို Copy ကူးယူပါတယ္။ Desktop.ini ကို desktop.exe, desktop.ini.exe.exe စသည္ျဖင့္ exe ေပါင္းေျမာက္ျမားစြာပြားယူပါတယ္။ စက္အတြင္းက မူလ Files ေတြကို ဖ်က္ပစ္ၿပီး ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ File နဲ႔အစားထိုးပါတယ္။ မူလ File အတြင္းမွာ ပါ၀င္တ့ဲ Data ေတြကို ဖ်က္လိုက္ၿပီး File အမည္ကိုေတာ့ ခ်န္ထားပါ တယ္။ Data ေနရာမွာ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ File ရဲ႕ Data ေတြက ၀င္ေရာက္လာပါတယ္။ သေဘာက Files အမည္မေျပာင္း ဘဲ File ရဲ႕ Data ေတြေျပာင္းသြားတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ MGY ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္၀င္ၿပီးရင္ Hard Disk တစ္ခုလုံးမွာ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ Files ေတြက အစား၀င္ယူလိုက္ၿပီျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
Mgy.exe ရဲ႕ File Size က 16 MB ရွိပါတယ္။ Drive D: အတြင္းရွိ Files အားလုံးက 16 MB ရွိတ့ဲ Files ေတြျဖစ္သြားပါတယ္။ ဒီေလာက္ဆိုရင္ Magway FC ရဲ႕ရက္စက္မႈေတြကို သိေလာက္ပါၿပီ။
ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ Files ေတြကို Copy ပြားေနတ့ဲအတြက္ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာရဲ႕ Speed အလြန္ေႏွးလာပါတယ္။ ဘယ္လိုမွ အလုပ္လုပ္လို႔ မရေအာင္ေႏွးေနတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Dual-core CPU ကိုအသုံးျပဳတ့ဲ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာဆိုရင္ Drive D: အတြင္းက Files ေတြေနရာမွာ ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ Files ေတြက နာရီ၀က္အတြင္း ေနရာယူၿပီးျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Hard Disk ရဲ႕ေနရာလြတ္မက်န္ေအာင္ Files ေတြကို ေတာက္ေလွ်ာက္ပြားယူပါတယ္။ Hard Disk ရဲ႕ Size ျပည့္ၿပီးဆို မွ ရပ္ပါေတာ့တယ္။ Drive C: အတြင္း ေနရာလြတ္မက်န္တ့ဲအတြက္ Windows ရဲ႕ notification ေနရာမွာ drive C: low space, drive C: low space လို႔ မၾကာခဏသတိေပးပါတယ္။ ဒီေလာက္ဆိုရင္ Magway FC ဗိုင္းရပ္စ္ရဲ႕ ဖ်က္ဆီးမႈက ဘယ္ေလာက္အစြန္းေရာက္သလဲဆိုတာ သိႏိုင္ပါတယ္။

Source >> ဦးေအးကိုကို B.E (Electronics), FEB Computer Centre

ကြန္ပ်ဴတာမွာ ျပႆနာရွိရင္ Safe Mode ကို၀င္ၿပီး ေျဖရွင္းရတာေတြရွိပါတယ္။ အဲဒီအတြက္ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာကို
restart လုပ္ၿပီး ၀င္းဒိုးစ္မတက္ခင္ F8 key ကိုႏွိပ္ရပါတယ္။ အခုနည္းလမ္းက ကြန္ပ်ဴတာကို restart
လုပ္တာနဲ႔ Safe Mode ကို အလိုအေလ်ာက္ ေရာက္သြားျခင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Windows boot မွ Safe Mode သို႔၀င္ျခင္း

Search သို႔မဟုတ္ Run (box) မွာ msconfig လို႔႐ိုက္ထည့္ပါ။ Enter ကီးကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။
System Configuration (box) ေပၚလာပါမယ္။ Boot (tab) သို႔ေျပာင္းၿပီး Safe boot အကြက္ကို အမွတ္ျခစ္
ေရြးခ်ယ္လိုက္ပါ။ Minimal ဆိုတ့ဲ ခလုတ္ကိုလည္းေရြးခ်ယ္ပါ။ Apply, OK ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။
ၿပီးရင္ Restart လုပ္မွာလား Exit without restart လားဆိုတာ ေမးပါလိမ့္မယ္။ ႀကိဳက္တာကို
ေရြးခ်ယ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ အခု restart လုပ္ၾကည့္ပါ။ F8 key ႏွိပ္မစရာမလိုဘဲ Safe Mode သို႔
အဆင့္ဆင့္ကူးေျပာင္း ေရာက္သြားပါလိမ့္မယ္။

Windows boot Safe Mode ကို ပိတ္ျခင္း

Safe Mode မွာ သင္ျပင္စရာ၊ လုပ္စရာရွိတာ လုပ္ကိုင္ၿပီးတ့ဲအခါ အေရးႀကီးတ့ဲအခ်က္သည္
Boot Safe Mode (option) ကိုျပန္ပိတ္ဖို႔လိုပါတယ္။ ဒါမွ ေနာက္တစ္ခါ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာျပန္ဖြင့္ရင္ ပုံမွန္အတိုင္း
၀င္းဒိုးစ္တက္ပါလိမ့္မယ္။ ေစာေစာကလို Search သို႔မဟုတ္ Run (box) မွာ msconfig လို႔႐ိုက္ထည့္ပါ။
Enter ကီးကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။ System Configuration မွာ Boot (tab) သို႔ေျပာင္းၿပီး Safe boot ဆိုတ့ဲအကြက္ကို
အမွန္ျခစ္ေရြးခ်ယ္ထားျခင္းကေန (uncheck) ျပန္ျဖဳတ္ပါ။ ဒီနည္းက သင့္ကြန္ပ်ဴတာမွာ Safe Mode သို႔
၀င္ဖို႔ရာ အခက္အခဲရွိေနတယ္ဆိုရင္ သုံးႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါမွမဟုတ္ သင့္ကြန္ပ်ဴတာကို သင္မရွိတ့ဲအခ်ိန္မွာ
တစ္ဦးဦးက ဖြင့္သုံးမွာကိုစိုးရိမ္ရင္ Safe Mode နဲ႔ပဲဖန္တီးထားခ့ဲႏိုင္ပါတယ္။

Source - ျမန္မာကြန္ပ်ဴတာဂ်ာနယ္၊ ၂၀၁၀ ျပည့္ႏွစ္၊ ေအာက္တိုဘာလ။

Windows 7 ကို start လုပ္သည္ျဖစ္ေစ၊ shutdown လုပ္သည္ျဖစ္ေစ welcome screen ကို
ေတြ႔ရမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေတြကို မႀကိဳက္ဘူးဆိုရင္ ဘာလုပ္မလဲ။ ေျပာင္းလဲမွာေပါ့။ WinBubble ဆိုတ့ဲ
Software ကိုသုံးမယ္။ သူက Windows 7 ရဲ႕ welcome screen ကိုေျပာင္းလဲႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
WinBubble Software ကို ဒီမွာ ေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ။

(၁) WinBubble program ကို download လုပ္ပါ။ install လုပ္ပါ။ ၿပီးေတာ့ run ပါ။
(၂) Windows 7 tab ကို click ႏွိပ္ပါ။
(၃) ေျပာင္းလဲႏိုင္တ့ဲ logon Background ေတြထဲမွာ scroll လုပ္ၿပီးရွာပါ။ Windows ထဲမွာ ရွိၿပီးသားပုံေတြကိုပဲ
ေတြ႔ရမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ႀကိဳက္တာတစ္ခုေတြ႔ၿပီးဆိုရင္ click ႏွိပ္ပါ။ ဒါမွမဟုတ္ စက္ထဲမွာရွိတ့ဲ ဘယ္ .jpg ပုံကို
မဆို အသုံးျပဳႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
(၄) Set ကို click ႏွိပ္ၿပီး image ကို lock လုပ္ပါ။ View ကိုႏွိပ္ၿပီး preview လုပ္ၾကည့္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ကိုယ္လိုခ်င္
တ့ဲအတိုင္း ဟုတ္ မဟုတ္၊ ႀကိဳက္ မႀကိဳက္ကိုၾကည့္ပါ။ မႀကိဳက္ရင္ restore ကိုႏွိပ္ၿပီး မူလရွိတ့ဲ background
အတိုင္း ျပန္ထားႏိုင္ပါတယ္။

အခုအခ်ိန္မွာေတာ့ Windows ကို shutdown လုပ္ျခင္း၊ start လုပ္ျခင္းေတြနဲ႔ေျပာင္းလဲမႈေတြကို
ၾကည့္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ Background အသစ္ကိုေတြ႔ရမွာျဖစ္ၿပီး welcome screen ဟာ စကၠန္႔ပိုင္းခဏေလာက္
ေလးေပၚတာဆိုေပမယ့္ Microsoft ကေပးထားတ့ဲ ပုံအစား၊ ကိုယ္ႀကိဳက္တ့ဲပုံေလးေပၚလာတာကေတာ့

WinBubble ဟာ အထက္ေဖာ္ျပပါအျပင္ မ်ားျပားလွတ့ဲ utility tweaking ေတြကိုလည္း စြမ္းေဆာင္
ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ Tab ေပါင္းမ်ားစြာပါ၀င္ၿပီး အသုံး၀င္လွတ့ဲ tool ျဖစ္လို႔ စမ္းသုံးၾကည့္ဖို႔ တိုက္တြန္းလိုက္ပါတယ္။
ဒါေပမ့ဲ မေသခ်ာတ့ဲ utility ေတြဆိုရင္ေတာ့ သတိနဲ႔သုံးသင့္ပါတယ္။

Source -၂၀၁၀ ျပည့္ႏွစ္၊ ေအာက္တိုဘာလ၊ Myanmar PCWORLD







